About Me

Born in 1984, I grew up in Murphy, Texas. I graduated from the University of Texas-Austin with a degree in communications and journalism and work as a news producer for a station in Rhode Island.

I live south of Boston with my wife and two children. A bisexual husband, I ‘came out’ to my wife 5 years ago after the birth of their second child. My marriage and my gay life have each given me moments of great joy. However, it is a myth to believe a bisexual husband has the best of both worlds.

Murder at Oakschott Hall is my first M/M romance novel. I’m working on a novel about a bisexual married man called The Unfinished Husband.

Website: jimausten.com
Facebook: facebook.com/jim.austen.395
Twitter: twitter.com/JimAusten1
Email: jimausten.author@gmail.com